by Moni’soi Humes


The world prescribes us all a pill of BS suggesting that only the strong survive, however if you live long enough you will notice that we are all doing so. Regardless of how powerful we are, life still happens, and it is no reflection of you not operating in the fact that you are in deed powerful. The fact that the opposite is actually happening is only the result of great moves, better decisions, and powerful actions.

When life happens it is so easy for us to forget the little things in life that we should all value and appreciate. The fact that you are somewhere warm or the fact that God has allowed you to have a roof over your head. There are so many individuals who are out in the cold each and every night and it just might very well be their story or their storm, but we have to understand something that we must not ever forget “Those who appear to be the weakest amongst us all are the ones who are the strongest.”

We must stop looking through our eyes, for they have been blinded entirely too long. We have been hindered by thoughts, un-grateful thoughts, and we must remember again that God has done such awesome, and amazing things for us all. We have been blessed with so much life and the people, the things, and the gifts are all just temporarily passing through.

Tonight has been an eye opener for moi. I don’t understand everything, but I know that life is fixated on perfect timing.


by Moni’soi Humes

Learn to know what is important to you will keep you afloat. Often times we are clueless as to what we really want and the list of things to do just pile up in the meantime. By actually knowing what it is that you really want, you will begin to focus on what you need to do verses doing everything. The biggest mistake that we make in business when someone ask the question, “What do you do?

We often respond with, “Everything.” This sounds good, but only to the person saying it. To the other person it just sounds like you are all over the place. So again, “What is it exactly that you do?”

I am an author, fashion designer, speaker, and business owner. This sounds more strategic, purposeful, and confident. You want to come off to others as being one that is confident and knowing, remember that others are looking to engage with confident individuals who know exactly what they want out of life. This starts with you. Do not be afraid to be the first one who sets the tone of confidence in a room filled with people who do everything.

Success is a choice. Make your choice to win!



By Moni’soi Humes

Our faith activates God

Everyone at some point has been crossed, afraid, or hurt by someone that they have trusted. You cannot let the fear of that happening again be apart of your walk. Once you become afraid you destroy opportunities,  you miss out on increase, and you manifest your fears into the physical.

It is so important that you value the power of having faith, not just in word but in action. The question is, “How do you reach this place?” There are really no real answer that one can give you besides looking at yourself in the mirror. There are plenty of individuals overlooking their own power. You have the power to unlock your own success and all you have to do is speak the opposite of what you feel majority of the time.

Life has challenged me in so many ways. I have felt so many emotions, yet I continue to keep going because it is all that I know at this point. You cannot allow others to judge what they do not understand.  If you are going through something it is what it is. You are the only one who can move yourself forward and slow yourself down.

Trust in who you are and live the life you were chosen to live.

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes


by Moni’soi Humes

Lately I have been doing a whole lot of thinking, brainstorming, as I sit here working I realize that the most difficult thing that you will do towards your own success is build. When you are building there is so much to learn, to know, connections to be made (foreign and global). If I had to give advice to anyone at this point of their career I would say ask yourself the following questions:

1. How far have you come already?

2. Is it worth it?

3. If you don’t who will?

4. Are you willing to keep going to get the reward?

If the answer is Yes, well you have some work to do. There are some things that you have failed at, however you need to go back to it, do it again, and this time come up with a plan to succeed at it. Don’t just put it out there, plan to win at what you are releasing. Write down the numbers, who you will need to accomplish the goal(s), what companies will you need to partner with, and how many employees will you need to make this happen. Of course this is going to cost (financial) you something, write that down too, if it is not already apart of your business plan.

At this point some of you are tired, shit I am tired, but if the faith stays there; please keep going. Keep pushing. There is an award whenever you begin to push past the points of being tired. No one said this would be easy, but they did say that it would be worth it. Look at it this way you have already done what most said that you couldn’t do. All you have to do is continue with a consistency. Even if that means pulling back from what you are doing to re-evaluate the entire picture; Do so! No one knows what you need to do better than you do. No one. I don’t care who they are.

Stay inspired! Get connected to the right individuals and push yourself beyond what you are use to! If God has shown you an empire, build it with everything that is in you. Period! Let’s go! The only ones who win at this game of war and success are those that keep playing to win!


By Moni’soi Humes


Wondering has time changed so much that people have taken the value out of quality. To have this mentality is a blatant way of individuals saying that they don’t care anymore. When this happens not only does it stop the process but it also hinders the process. Living in a technology society has created a sense of urgency for everyone and if you are unable to produce fast results, individuals are on to the next one. What needs to happen?

First we are overcoming all objections. True marketers flow with time, technology, and speed while maintaining to provide their clients with top notch value through their services. Marketers create strategies that are so revolutionary that consumers know that they need what they have. We have come to accept the fact that we now live in a new age, digital platform. Everything is going digital.

1. Websites are the new store fronts.
2. Tablets are the new TV.
3. Selfie sticks are the new personal photographers.
4. Social media is the new home for family members to connect with one another across the globe.
5. Instagram is the new business card.
6. Apps are our new mobile passport to mobile technology.
7. Cell phones are our mini workstations.

Basically, we have all that we need to be successful.  Take this time in your now to create and live your life in purpose and on purpose as God intended. Create a digital platform that will put you ahead while remaining set apart.

download my latest book here➡

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes


By Moni’soi Humes


This lady sends out a message to our agency for an invoice for work to be completed for her company. At the day of invoice she says that she didn’t have the funds to pay but her faith was going to get it done. I did not underatand why an individual(s) would rather hide behind God verses live in him? If you have faith you should contact a company when you are ready to pay and the funds are made available.

This is when being #allergictobroke should become apart of your lifestyle if you are being #rich. I had to ask myself the question, “How do you have faith yet you claim out of your mouth that your are broke?” Then you turn around and say that it is true. We are given specific instructions that as a man thinketh so shall he be. You must not for a moment get caught up in the negativity of speaking on where you are instead of speaking and acting on where you are headed. How can you proclaim faith in God and live a life that does not line up to what you say that you believe?

Sometimes you have to turn down clients and that my dear is just business. If they don’t have the funds then guess what’s next they can’t pay you. In order to succeed you must step back and let your team work for profit, if potential clients do not have the funds be reminded that you are not working a magical business. Action has to go into your success. This is why I chose not not sit around on the phone unless you are discussing business because your life will line up to what you see and what you are connected to.

If that means that you need to cut off some individuals to explore your wealth by all means make it happen. At the end of the day individuals know that they cannot go into the store and make a request for services with no ability to pay. It does not happen. Let’s not confuse this post with investment. There are some companies that will invest in your brand but you will still be required to put in the work.

Let’s push forward and make it happen. #allergictobroke

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes


by Moni’soi Humes

When your success no longer makes sense you must continue to work it, your results will be determined by your ability to continue in repetition. Athletes understand this more than anyone that once you repeat weekly workouts there will be outstanding results. Get back in the race and start focusing on repetition over and over again, and put your success on repeat. I want you to stay inspired because I know that there is so much greatness inside of you that is still hiding and in dire need of exploding out of you into the universe.

Now you have planned and planned and repeated more planning, this is prime reason why you should start working the vision that God has given you in repetition. You already understand this but the truth is until you put the work in, gain the connections, and start operating in the success of your powerhouse you will be sitting somewhere waiting for someone else to do it for you. You should be tired of waiting on others when there is greatness within you. Do not put you or your brand on hold another day.

Stay focused! #keeppushing

Until June 28, 2015 my latest book titled The #PRPlan is available for #FREE download, Log online, get a copy, and leave an Amazon review. Get the book here! DOWNLOAD NOW! Also share with at least 10 of your friends!


By Moni’soi Humes


You can tear down what you have built in a matter of seconds if you choose to speak the wrong words. The universe captures our every word that we release out of our mouth. If you are tired, cranky, frustrated,  or sleepy get some rest because if you operate on these levels you are bound to destroy your own success and your own happiness. It does not matter how many generations have come the basic fundamentals still apply.  Scientist, astronaunts, mayors, ministers, government leaders, and business owners who are successful at leadership understand that it is all due to the power of their positive thinking and the power of their positive speaking.

Imagine building a solid foundation, then adding layer after layer and at one word, one command the entire wall comes down. You are left with the foundation but you will still have to re-build the walls until you learn to stop speaking against your own promises.

Be encouraged enough to know that your success is in your own tongue -speak life or speak death it is up to you..

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes


By Moni’soi Humes


Today I was working on my laptop and my brain was on critical thinking overload so I decided to walk away for a second to go outside as one would to take a smoke break since I don’t smoke it was merely to breathe. As I looked down on the ground I noticed a letter or notes that someone had written and maybe it fell when they opened their car door. The notes read that we should not be critical of others nor judgemental however in my situation I was being overly critical of myself and it was causing blockage in my own creativity. Leaders work differently than followers our dna is analytical and we must not forget that we are still human. We must remember that God created the universe with no thought.

Now let’s meditate, stop thinking so much, and continue to push forward in success

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes


By Moni’soi Humes

We can! We will, but only if we make a global commitment to creating the change that we desire to see. It is time to break our routines, our normal way of doing things to start reaching out and giving back. I was on Instagram and I read this post from a high school student about 2 kids committing suicide.  These acts affected the students so much that they began to post notes on the lockers with a message. They committed theirselves to creating change. 


This is how we all should be toward the world that we live in where we all are affected by what is taking place. Let’s do something today for someone else, because you never know who is suffering In silence. #payattention and #listen to the  hearts that are around you. Nothing changes until we do. Let’s start now by encouraging one soul at a time.

Thanks for coming to my blog. Make sure that you finish the race that is set before you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2014 -2015 #iammonisoihumes

"Everyone wants the opportunity to become successful at something"